Sectional sofas and pets: How they co-exist!

07 Sep

Pets are indeed adorable creatures. They fill our lives with unending excitement every day of the week, and are faithful companions in every sense of the word. However, when they are sometimes left alone in the house, and you return from work to see that they have treated your expensive furniture (like sectional sofa) in a manner that can be considered downright demeaning, to say the least, all the above-mentioned feelings instantly vanish, and are replaced by those of frustration. However, thanks to the latest pet-friendly furniture pieces, this problem can be addressed more than adequately.

The first major advantage of this kind of furniture if the presence of washable fabrics. We all know how easy it is for the cover of a sofa to get damaged by animal urine, or more generous stool in case of an upset stomach. In case of a regular sectional sofa, this would have spelled doom, and really expensive one at that. However, these days, furniture that has covers that can be washed at home are making the job a whole lot easier.

Secondly, even if your pet has clawed his way through the arm or seat of the sofa, you can replace that particular part without having to incur the cost of the overall piece of furniture. This way, you will get a brand new look without having to spend a fortune.

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Posted by on September 7, 2010 in Uncategorized


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